2024 Ringette Eastern Championship Skills Competition
- To showcase the talent level of the players in a featured 12:45 pm - 2:45 Skills on Rinks A & B - Bell Aliant Centre
- To allow the best players at the U14, U16 and U19 level to showcase their individuals skills in pursuit of five individual awards and then as a collective for the top team award
Skills Tested
- Fastest forward skater
- Most agile skater
- Best passer
- Goalie skills
- Top shooter
Individual and Team
- Each individual skill will be timed and scored to declare a winner
- The best team score will be a combination of the fastest overall time and the results of the individual ring skills
- Each team will select 5 players (one for each skill to participate)
- Two teams will be tested at both ends of the ice at the same time
- Skills will happen in sequence following the previous skill, make sure each participant is ready to go.
- The clock continues to run throughout the five skill events until the last skill is completed
- There is an accompanying video that describes the skills competition. This document and the video should give you a clear understanding of how the skills competition will be run.
The following video was taken in 2019 when the Canadian Ringette Championships were held in PEI. The video breaks down and explains the drills and skills we will be having in our 2024 skills competition. We will be following the exact same model and routine shown in this video.
Fastest Skater - Participant 1 of 5
- Will start behind the ringette line facing the near end boards to the right of the net
- On go, the skater will skate as quickly as they can (counter clockwise) around their half of the ice, staying outside of the six pylons.
- Their time (and team time) will start on go and will continue until both skates fully cross the ringette line at the start/finish line
- Player then glides behind the goal line out of the way because the next skill starts immediately.

Most Agile Skater - Participant 2 of 5
- Starts behind the goal line where the crease intersects with it. As the fastest skater finishes, the volunteer will give them the go signal and their individual time starts.
- On go, the skater will skate as quickly as they can doing 180 turns around the five pylons moving from right to left.
- After rounding the final pylon they will skate through the ringette line and time stops when both skates pass the ringette line (finish on the graphic)
- When done, skater glides behind the goal line.

Top Passer - Participant 3 of 5
- Will be located between the center line and blue line opposite side of the three mini passing nets
- Passer will have up to 8 chances to get 1 ring in each of the nets moving in order from net #1 to #3.
- This skill and time will start after participant 2 finishes and volunteer says go. The passer must successfully pass a ring into mini net #1 (they keep passing at that net until they put one in), then they move to net #2 and they need to put a ring into it before moving on to net #3.
- The time stops when a ring enters the third net or when the last ring available passes by the final net.
- If the participant passes a ring into all three nets and still has some left, their team will earn a time bonus which is explained on page 5 and 6.

Goalie Skills - Participant 4 of 5
- Participant #4 (goalie in full gear)
- The goalie skill starts after ring is passed in net #3 or passer used all 8 rings. The goalie starts in the middle of the crease and does three down and ups.
- The second skill is to slide pushes to the black line on the ice and then slides to the other black line on ice.
- The third skill is to pass two rings in the mini nets placed in each corner. They can choose whichever net to aim for and once they put a ring in that one, they aim for the other.
- The rings can be passed with their hand or with their stick.
- After one ring has been put in each net or the goalie has attempted to pass all four rings, they skate past the pylon (on their right) at the ringette line where it says finish.
- Clock starts on go and finishes once the goalie has passed the ringette line.
- If the goalie has rings left after passing, they will be worth a time bonus (explained on page 5 & 6).

Best Shooter - Participant 5 of 5
- Participant #5
- Shooter will be behind a marked line on the ice and will have 8 rings to use
- Shooting starts after goalie passes the ringette line. A volunteer will tell shooter to go.
- The shooter will try to hit all four targets using the least number of rings possible and as fast as possible.
- If the shooter hits all four targets and has some rings left over, their team will earn a time bonus (explained below).
- Time starts on go and finishes when the fourth target is hit or the last ring enters or passes by the net.
- The targets will look like the following shown in the picture below.

Skills Competition Scoring Chart
Each individual skill will be timed and/or scored to declare a winner while the best team score will be a combination of the fastest overall time and the results of the individual ring skills.
Individual Scoring
Faster Skater
This is only a timed event. The player who has the fastest time from “go” until passing the ringette line after one lap of their half of the ice will win this event. If the player does not stay outside all of the pylons their score will not count and their team won’t be eligible for the team prize.
Most Agile Skater
This is only a timed event. The player who has the fastest time from “go” until passing the ringette line after doing the five 180 degree turns will win. If the player misses a pylon their score will not count and their team won’t be eligible for the team prize.
Best Passer
This is a scored and a timed event. The player who successfully passes rings into the three nets in the proper order with the least number of passes wins. In the case of a tie, the person who did the activity the quickest will win.
Bonus Available - For every ring the passer does not have to use for this activity, they will receive a 1 second bonus/ring remaining for their team.
Top Goalie
This is a timed event. The goalie who does down ups, the slides, goalie passes into the mini nets and skates out to the ringette line the fastest will win this event. The goalie must attempt the passes to the nets, they cannot just gently push the rings to the side.
Bonus Available - For every ring the goalie does not need to use to pass into the net, they will receive a 2 second bonus/ring remaining for their team.
Best Shooter
This is a scored and timed event. The player who hits the most targets with the least number of rings is the winner. In the case of a tie with a number of targets hit, the person who hits their final target the fastest wins.
Bonus Available If all four targets are hit, they will receive a 2 second bonus/ring remaining for their team.
Team Scoring
Time - This will be determined by the total time for the five participants to complete their individual skills less any bonuses they might have received based not having to use all the rings available to them for the various skills. Scoring - Teams will receive the following number of points for the individual skills that involve rings (passing, goalie passes and shots)
- 0 rings passed into mini net #1 is worth 0 points
- If a pass goes into mini net #1, it is worth 3 points
- If a pass goes into mini net #2, it is worth 4 points
- If it takes the passer 8 rings to get a pass into mini #3, it is worth 5 points
- If it takes the passer 7 rings to get a pass into mini #3, it is worth 6 points
- If it takes the passer 6 rings to get a pass into mini #3, it is worth 7 points
- If it takes the passer 5 rings to get a pass into mini #3, it is worth 8 points
- If it takes the passer 4 rings to get a pass into mini #3, it is worth 9 points
- If it takes the passer 3 rings to get a pass into mini #3, it is worth 10 points
- 0 rings passed into a net is worth 0 points
- If 1 ring goes into one net, it is worth 3 points
- If it takes the goalie 4 rings to get a pass into the 2 nets, it is worth 6 points
- If it takes the goalie 3 rings to get a pass into the 2 nets, it is worth 8 points
- If it takes the goalie 2 rings to get a pass into the 2 nets, it is worth 10 points
- 0 targets is worth 0 points
- 1 target is worth 3 points
- 2 targets is worth 5 points
- 3 targets is worth 6 points
- 4 targets in 7 or 8 shots is worth 7 points
- 4 targets in 6 shots is worth 8 points
- 4 targets in 5 shots is worth 9 points
- 4 targets in 4 shots is worth 10 points
Once the team’s scores and times are finalized, teams will be ranked as follows:
- Times skills will be ranked from the fastest to the slowest, with the fastest team ranked #1.
- Ring skills will be ranked from highest to the lowest with the team having the highest points ranked as #1.
- The winning team will be the team that has the lowest combined ranking between time and score. In the case of a tie, the winning team will be declared by the team with the fastest time.